


热线电话 021-67100588


“捐出一元钱 献出一份力”——帕丁顿少先队员们为修缮“地下少先队群雕”捐款仪式





We are used to learning from Lei Feng in March. Lei Feng's spirit is passed down among the team members. We welcome the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China this year. In response to the initiative of Shanghai red scarf Council, the brigade Department of Shanghai Paddington bilingual school issued an initiative to the young pioneers of the whole school, donating one yuan of lucky money to repair the group sculpture of the young pioneers in Changfeng Park.

The underground group sculpture of young pioneers in Changfeng Park was built in 1990. More than 30 years after its completion, the group sculpture square has become a good place to hold team joining ceremony, team day activities and festival activities, and it is also an important place for red traditional education.

In response to the call of the brigade, representatives of each squadron came to the school hall at noon on March 15, participating in the donation ceremony. A total of 25 squadrons from grade 1 to grade 9 participated in the donation ceremony.

The young pioneers are the little masters of the young pioneers' organization. They should build their own activity positions, contribute to the repair of the "underground group sculpture of the young pioneers", strive to be good kids of the party, and add new luster to the red scarf on their chest!