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帕丁顿学子素养系列课程开课啦! ----魅力社团 缤纷校园


We have a variety of groups for children with the same interests to get together; a place that offers unlimited imagination and inspires children to reach for their dreams. This is what we like to call Paddington’s Happy Friday. Guided by the concept of personalized education, the school is centered on the concept of “reaching the full potential of each student” and maximizing the optimization of teaching resources. A total of 22 professionals, 5 school teams, and dynamic clubs have been formed on campus to form a beautiful landscape, at the heart of this landscape, there are a hundred flowers and personalities.

高尔夫球-出手不凡 放飞自我


Golf is an elegant and prestigious sport that integrates physical development and enjoyment of nature. Teachers with exceptional professional accomplishment and excellent teaching skills will guide the children to swing far and experience the limitlessness of the world.

花式篮球-享受美感  成就梦想


Fancy Basketball is a unique sport that combines the HIPHOP culture with basketball skills. This combination ensures that students get the best of both worlds. It is loved and highly sought after by the youth. Fancy basketball is more than just a sport; it is a kind of transcendence and spiritual baptism.

快乐足球-绿茵芭蕾  舞动青春


 The football Club enables students to master the basic knowledge and skills of football, improve their sports skills, and cultivate great team spirit and cooperation between peers.

缤纷舞蹈-舞动青春 精彩演绎


Dancing clubs are popular with students. Developing dancing clubs on campus can cultivate the students' physical strength, coordination, musical abilities and aesthetics.

我型我塑-心灵手巧 环保创新


This club is an extension of the teaching content in art classes. It guides students to discover, express and create beauty around the theme of "waste recycling", and contributes to the creation of a beautiful living environment.

国画创造-沉醉墨海 书画人生


Students can learn through simple painting methods, how to paint vegetables, animals, flowers, and fruits. They can become more proficient in the use of basic pen, ink, water, color, and other creative methods. They will constantly improve their extensive thinking skills, such as observation, aesthetic appreciation,imagination, and creativity.

纸随心动-用心发现 铸就梦想


Origami is more than just a game. It also exercises children's hand muscles, promotes brain development, and nurtures creativity. It can make children more "ingenious."

彩泥世界-七彩世界 创意无限


Through the production of colored clay, students can cultivate their abilities of observation, imagination, creation and aesthetic appreciation. Students can express their personalities and showcase their talents through their own creations.




The club combines the creativity of arts and crafts with the English language. The passion of language learning and the interest of creative crafts are highly integrated. This combination plays an essential role in cultivating the quality of the students' English.



The study of language is about the development of expression, thinking, and culture. We use sound to integrate language into interesting stories, and let the children use their acquired dubbing skills to express their confidence in communication.



English picture books present real-life contexts and a large number of living depictions through vivid paintings, so that children can learn to pay attention to their emotional experiences, their interest in art and literature, and improve their multi-tasking abilities.



The purpose of the badminton club is to provide a space for students who like badminton to exchange ideas. Badminton is divided into singles and doubles. It is a high endurance sport and suitable for the development of children's endurance. The activities of the clubs are mainly based on study and practice, and cultivate everyone's interest in badminton and deepen their understanding of the sport.

创意书法-乾坤恢弘 墨染校园


The club is guided by the promotion of knowledge and literacy, and the improvement of writing skills, so as to train students to write the motherland's characters correctly, regularly and beautifully.

上海童谣=沪语风采 本土文化


This club focuses on recording the beauty and memories of several generations of the Shanghai people. Students can play games and listen to the childhood stories of Shanghai Xiaoyan. Various forms of teaching methods are used to give students a wonderful experience of the unique Shanghai style, taste, and local culture.


朗读者-花开有形 润物无声


The Readers club takes children across the long river of traditional Chinese culture, from the primitive beauty of the Book of Songs to Tang poetry, Song poetry, and modern poetry. Students can experience and enjoy the charm of literature through poetry. "Readers on Campus" will plant a literary seed in the children that will continue to grow with them every day.



Classic reading allows children to touch and feel classical characters with their tender hands while learning about the profound implications of tradition and history. Various resources such as fragrances, inks, and poems are used to stimulate students and give them an authentic experience and appreciation of ancient times.

小小故事会-畅游童话 快乐阅读


Gain knowledge about different stories, exercise expression, cultivate quality, and simply immerse yourself and be happy in the story. The little story club will take you on a wonderful journey through the world of stories and help you appreciate the beauty of literature.

爱阅读-浓浓书香 沁入我心


This club creates a lovely reading atmosphere for students, uses great book selections, and incorporates other methods to make students fall in love with reading. It will improve students' reading interest, and cultivate students' reading habits. It aims to teach students to speculate and infer, to understand the content with questions, to draw conclusions from and interpret pictures, and to learn and understand new words. We hope to help students feel the beauty of the language of the motherland, improve the language literacy, and comprehend some truths about being a human being.

电子乐园-编程开发 开拓领域


The programming club mainly teaches the SCRATCH software, learning the SCRATCH software is beneficial and essential to develop students' own ideas, stimulate students' programming ideas and skills, cultivate their interest in programming, and improve the ability of peers to cooperate and solve problems.

益智乐园-创意无限 探索奥秘


Lego activities test the children’s ability to recognize innovations; they activities expand their imagination, stimulate creativity, and improve their hand and brain functions by giving them hands-on practice. Not only do they cultivate the children's ability to discover, explore, and solve problems, but they also stimulate the children’s creativity and allow them to develop in a comprehensive manner.

点亮智慧-趣味数学 开拓思维


Through interesting mathematical design, students can carry out related mathematics activities, show their talents, exercise their courage, and improve their comprehensive abilities. The club allows children who love mathematics to get better development, improve their interest in the subject, and experience the magical world of mathematics.

智多星-数海扬帆 智慧成长


This incredible club provides a series of math stories, puzzle problems and math games which take students on an adventure to explore the mysteries of mathematics and appreciate its true value. The principles learned in these classes will open the door to mathematic wisdom.



These colorful clubs all make Paddington full of wonder and vitality, and we are looking forward to the release of great energy in our small yet wonderful world. So let's all make an appointment every happy Friday!

“The spring breeze is no match for you; we wait for you more eagerly than we await the wind”.